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Streamworks Blog

Using Direct Mail for Acquisition vs. Retention

Sep 18, 2018 10:00:00 AM

Even in the digital age, direct mail continues to be one of the most effective marketing tactics for both new customer acquisition and retention.

USPS Informed Delivery: Integrated Marketing Just Got Easier

Aug 7, 2018 10:00:00 AM

Over the past couple years, this blog page has talked a lot about integrated marketing—the blend of digital and traditional mail tactics to achieve greater results.

What Millennials Can Teach Us About Lead Generation

Jul 31, 2018 10:00:00 AM

If you’ve ever interacted with a little kid, they’ve most likely asked you the question, “Why?” more times than you can count.

Resources to Help You with Your Next Marketing Mailing

Jun 12, 2018 10:53:18 AM

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to achieving a successful direct mail marketing campaign—there are too many variables from brand to brand and campaign to campaign.

Concerned About Facebook's News Feed Changes?

Apr 10, 2018 1:11:01 PM

You’re not alone.

In January, Facebook announced it was making changes to its news feed algorithm in an attempt to make time on the platform more meaningful—and perhaps more psychologically...

Video Mailers: The Future of Direct Mail is Here

Feb 20, 2018 10:00:00 AM

Videos have mass appeal: that’s obvious from the popularity of YouTube and Facebook. (More than 500 million hours of videos are watched on YouTube each day.)

Videos aren’t going anywhere, and savvy...

7 Direct Mail Tips and Tricks That Inspire Response

Feb 6, 2018 10:00:00 AM

Make your direct mail campaign into the workhorse it was always intended to be by following these few tips:

Maximize Your Marketing with Data Segmentation

Nov 21, 2017 10:00:00 AM

Right offer, right audience, right time—those have been marketing’s three tent poles since most of us can remember.

Streamworks' In-House Digital Agency Earns Google Partner Certification

Jun 13, 2017 2:00:00 PM

Google dominates the world of online search, both paid and organic. If you’re seeking a search advertising partner to manage your PPC and AdWords campaigns, you should look for one that’s attained...

Why Personalization Matters in Direct Mail

May 30, 2017 10:00:00 AM

Using personalization in marketing is nothing new. From greeting customers at the door to using a customer’s first name in an email salutation, personalization strengthens the client/customer...

Four Secrets to a Highly Effective Direct Mail Lead Nurturing Campaign

Mar 7, 2017 9:00:00 AM

What happens when you acquire a new lead? Do you, A) Send it straight to sales? B) Enter it into a database, then forget about it? Or C) Nurture it, maintaining consistent contact that establishes a...