USPS Informed Delivery: Integrated Marketing Just Got Easier
Over the past couple years, this blog page has talked a lot about integrated marketing—the blend of digital and traditional mail tactics to achieve greater results.
Over the past couple years, this blog page has talked a lot about integrated marketing—the blend of digital and traditional mail tactics to achieve greater results.
Even as digital marketing continues to command more of corporate america’s marketing budgets, direct mail is proving its staying power with record response rates—especially among millennials (12.4%...
In today’s tech-heavy world, it may seem counter-intuitive to announce that direct mail is making a comeback.
Everyone wants their direct mail to not only look good, but also result in sales.
Mailers, brochures and sell sheets can all be effective tools in your marketing arsenal, but they don’t just create and print themselves.
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to achieving a successful direct mail marketing campaign—there are too many variables from brand to brand and campaign to campaign.
In the world of sales and marketing, paper is where ideas unfold and your brand story is told.
Research shows that two-thirds of global consumers prefer to give their business to companies who give back to society. How do you reduce your printing environmental footprint in today’s world?
Whether launching a new campaign or trying to beat the control, direct marketers are always looking for fresh ways to increase response rates. Try one of these nine ideas to give your direct mail...
We’ve talked often in this blog about the virtues of integrating digital and offline tactics. Most recently, we discussed how direct mail and digital marketing can be combined to maximize overall...
At Streamworks, we call it marketing gold, waiting to be mined.
It’s database marketing, a form of direct marketing that uses databases to gather, interpret, and analyze large volumes of...
As we are fond of reminding our clients, direct mail is alive and well in the digital age. In fact, according to a 2016 Data and Marketing Association report: