USPS Informed Delivery: Integrated Marketing Just Got Easier
Over the past couple years, this blog page has talked a lot about integrated marketing—the blend of digital and traditional mail tactics to achieve greater results.
Over the past couple years, this blog page has talked a lot about integrated marketing—the blend of digital and traditional mail tactics to achieve greater results.
Even as digital marketing continues to command more of corporate america’s marketing budgets, direct mail is proving its staying power with record response rates—especially among millennials (12.4%...
In today’s tech-heavy world, it may seem counter-intuitive to announce that direct mail is making a comeback.
Everyone wants their direct mail to not only look good, but also result in sales.
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to achieving a successful direct mail marketing campaign—there are too many variables from brand to brand and campaign to campaign.
Let’s face it: direct mail campaigns have a lot of moving parts.
Just finishing up some industry reading and wanted to share this article: 6 Direct Mail Mistakes That Could Cost Thousands. The author mentioned the FSM changes I’ve been talking about along with 5...
We’ve been referencing the changes in Folded Self-Mailer (FSM) standardsthat the USPS will put into effect January 5, 2013 for about a year now but as that date gets closer I wanted to take one more...
The coming end to 2012 has raised a lot of concern for a lot of people – and for those of you who use reply mail, the concern is likely related to the retirement of the POSTNET barcode.
Yes, that...
Been looking for ways to add something unique to your mail? The USPS recently announced a fun change to their postage permits – the ability to incorporate a color logo, picture, product or graphic...