Preparing Your Reply Mail For IMb
Streamowrks Blog

The coming end to 2012 has raised a lot of concern for a lot of people – and for those of you who use reply mail, the concern is likely related to the retirement of the POSTNET barcode.
Yes, that old, familiar barcode that proved your cool (or shear mail-geekness) at parties because of your ability to decode it is now making its final laps through the mail stream.
Many mailers have seen the transition of the barcodes on their outgoing address blocks to the Intelligent Mail barcode (the new barcode from the USPS that offers really exciting visibility of mail as it flows through the postal network up to delivery date), in large part because much of the mailing industry has spent the last couple years prepping their equipment and software for the change, but how many have started the transition with the reply mail pieces you include in your mail packages?
According to the USPS, beginning January 28, 2013, the POSTNET will no longer qualify for automation discounts on letters or flats - this includes Qualified Business Reply Mail and Permit Reply Mail. So that inventory you’ve been carrying of #9 reply envelopes or 4×6 reply cards will need to be re-formatted with the new IMb with your next print run (or before the POSTNET no longer provides you automation discounts). You are clear to use the IMb beginning anytime so the transition is best to happen sooner rather than later.
For more information on Reply Mail and handy templates, visit this USPS site, or get in touch with your envelope provider today to ensure your reply piece is ready for the end of 2012!