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Personalize Your Next Campaign with Permit Picture Indicia

Streamowrks Blog

Personalization on the outside of an envelope is a proven way to boost open rates, and using the postage area is a unique way to stand out in the mailbox.


Using a United States Postal Service® Picture Permit Indicia allows you to visually communicate your brand or campaign message.

usps-picture-permit-e1486005318476The key requirements for a USPS Picture Permit Indicia (PPI) includes:

• the image must be in color and be a contrasting color for readability

• the mailing must be Full-Service Automation Intelligent Mail

• the design must be approved in advance


• The can be embossed or un-embossed

• They can be printed directly on the mail piece or a label

• It can be placed 4 different places on the mail piece


PPI is available for presorted First-Class Mail® and USPS Marketing Mail™ letters and cards. There is a small fee per piece for this service - 1 cent/piece for First Class Mail® and 2 cents/piece for USPS Marketing Mail™.

Uncover opportunities to improve your existing marketing campaigns by saving money. Sign up for our FREE Education Email Series Direct Mail: Cost Reduction Strategies for more cost-saving strategies. 

Sign Up for Free Email Series - Cost Reduction Strategies