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Mining For Marketing Database Gold

Streamowrks Blog




At Streamworks, we call it marketing gold, waiting to be mined.


It’s database marketing, a form of direct marketing that uses databases to gather, interpret, and analyze large volumes of information about customers. The data is then compiled to create targeted strategies, customize messages, and ultimately, increase profits



We suggest the following tools:   

  • Data appending and profiling: Get a deeper understanding of consumers’ characteristics and find additional prospects.
  • Segmenting: This slices and dices your data to customize and target your messages, cross-sell and upsell, and effectively utilize loyalty campaigns and other customer-focused strategies.
  • Geo-coding: Attaching the latitude and longitude coordinates of an address to your data file can focus your campaign with laser-like accuracy on an exact area.
  • National Change of Address system: Keep it clean by running your data files regularly through the

    postal system's registry.

  • Marketing lists: Find and acquire the most relevant lists to uncover new prospects and get the right offer to the right person at the right time.
  • Data security: Here at Streamworks, we’ve installed enhanced security measures that are independently verified on an annual basis through third-party audits.

Learn how to get more from your database.


Uncover opportunities to improve your existing marketing campaigns by saving money. Sign up for our FREE Education Email Series Direct Mail: Cost Reduction Strategies for more cost-saving strategies. 

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