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Gift Catalogs vs. Standalone EOY Appeals

Streamowrks Blog

The end of the year is a prime time for nonprofits to raise crucial funds. Two popular strategies are gift catalogs and standalone end-of-year appeals. Each approach has its merits, but which one yields better results?

Gift Catalogs: A Tangible Appeal

Gift catalogs offer donors a tangible way to support your cause while finding meaningful presents for their loved ones.

  • Pros: Increased donor engagement, multiple giving opportunities, enhanced donor satisfaction.
  • Cons: Higher production costs and limited impact storytelling.

Standalone End-of-Year Appeals: A Direct Ask

A standalone end-of-year appeal focuses on the impact of your organization's work, making a direct ask for donations.

  • Pros: Clear and concise message, flexibility, cost-effective.
  • Cons: Less tangible, potential for donor fatigue.

Which One Works Better?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but studies and statistics provide some insights:

A Hybrid Approach

Many organizations find success by combining both strategies. For example, you could include a small gift catalog section within your end-of-year appeal or offer gift catalog options as premium donor benefits. This approach can broaden your donor base and increase overall revenue.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand your audience: Tailor your approach to donors' preferences and demographics.
  • Test and measure: Experiment with strategies to determine what works best for your organization.
  • Personalize: Create a connection with your donors through personalized messages and appeals.
  • Optimize for mobile: Ensure your gift catalog or appeal is mobile-friendly.

By carefully considering these factors and leveraging data-driven insights, you can maximize your fundraising efforts at the year's end.

Would you like to explore specific examples or delve deeper into any of these points?


  1. "Engaging Millennials: The Next Generation of Donors" - Nonprofit Times, 2023.
  2. "Gift Catalogs: Boosting Donor Engagement and Retention" - Fundraising Journal, 2022.
  3. "End-of-Year Giving: Trends and Strategies" - Philanthropy News Digest, 2022.
  4. "Maximizing Donor Loyalty Through Targeted Appeals" - Nonprofit Quarterly, 2023.