Here’s a great Bloomberg BusinessWeek column on integrated marketing.
Not only does the title “Integrated Marketing: If You Knew It, You'd Do It” sum up our take on the issue, the author’s description of what’s happening in the marketplace (“Fragmentation can shred what was once a healthy marketing budget”) is spot on.
Marketing integration is your chance to take all that chaos and all those different channels and turn them to your advantage.'
The secret: Synergy.
With an integrated marketing strategy, they reinforce each other, so your connection with customers is more powerful than ever.
Consider the customer who receives a direct mail offer, which prompts her to check out the company’s website. She enlists her social media network to find out more about the company’s reputation and products or services. By liking the company, she begins to receive regular marketing messages and offers. By the time she’s ready to buy, she’s practically a member of the family!
What steps are you taking to create synergy with your marketing?