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How Hard Are Your Marketing Dollars Working? Marketing Analytics Will Tell You.

Streamowrks Blog

Marketing AnalyticsIs every single one of your marketing dollars working as hard as it could be?

Streamworks has dozens of ways to help get the maximum return on your investment -- from promotional pens to direct mail campaigns to website redesign to blog posts. 

We measure our success the same way we advise our clients to: How well does each marketing campaign perform?

Analytics is a cornerstone of everything we do. It’s the best yardstick a marketer has to know if their strategy is on track and if their advertising dollars are spent in the right places. If results are lagging, marketing analytics gives you the insight needed to retool your game plan.

Some of Streamworks analytical services:

Make sense (and cents) of the stats. Schedule a 30-minute Database Assessment with a Streamworks Database Expert. It’s FREE!


What percentage of consumers who have received mis-targeted information take steps to break off their relationship with the brand or service?

* 10 percent

* 55 percent

* 94 percent

See the answer here.