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Four Signs It's Time for a Rebrand

Streamowrks Blog

Is your brand ready for a refresh? Though it seems like a strenuous process, consider what your brand means. It’s the face of your organization – it’s every interaction, every communication piece and every conversation, so it has to be effective and memorable.

Before diving into whether or not you should update your brand, it’s important to understand what a “brand” is in the first place.

What do you consider as part of your brand? Is it your collateral, a style guide or simply a logo? The answer is “Yes.” Your brand is all-encompassing. From conversations with customer service to the promo products you distribute, your brand is every single interaction someone has with your organization. It communicates who you are to the world.

It’s extremely important to maintain consistency in your brand. Whether it’s your voice on social media, collateral materials or copy on your website, consistency is the key to a successful brand strategy.

Because your brand encompasses who you are as an organization, it’s important that it’s as effective and appealing as possible. So how does your current brand strategy stack up? Is it time for a rebrand? Below we outline some questions to ask when considering a brand makeover.

  1. Have you made big organizational changes?

If your organization has undergone recent changes that are no longer reflected by your brand, it’s time for an update. For example, if you’ve shifted missions, focus, leadership or capabilities, these changes need to be mirrored in your brand.

  1. Have your competitors rebranded?

Staying on top of the competition is always something in the back of a marketer’s mind. If your competition has gone through a recent rebrand, it may mean you also need to step up to the plate. If the competition has a new, fresh look while your brand is stuck in the past, it may sway new prospects to go with the competition.

  1. Is it challenging to blend digital and traditional efforts?

If you’re facing challenges upholding your brand standards online and offline, it may be time to consider a rebrand. If your print materials don’t match your online presence, you’re going to cause major confusion. In order to stay consistent across channels, you need to have a brand that is up-to-date and functional.

  1. Does it feel outdated?

If your letterhead and collateral materials feel like a blast from the past, it’s definitely time for a rebrand. Look for leaders within your industry – what’s the look and feel of their brand? If yours feels somewhat washed-up, or outdated in comparison, it’s time for an update.

Do you think your organization is ready for a rebrand? Check out our Resource Center.